CAD/AVL & Intelligent transportation systems

We enable transit agencies to:

  • Efficiently track their vehicles
  • Monitor their fleet
  • Support and communicate with operators

Passengers receive reliable and real-time information regarding their trip, whether they be onboard the vehicles, at stops, on their smartphones or other mobile devices.

Delivering consistent, seamless, on-time service

Equans implements proven CAD/AVL technologies and expert tools to offer real-time detour management, eliminate ghost buses, optimize vehicle frequency, and ensure schedule adherence.

  • Give your public transit agency the means to meet the scheduled offer and manage with unforseen events.
  • Provide reliable passenger information
  • Improve passenger experience
  • Better manage operators and vehicle.
  • Keep operators informed of service change.
  • Ensure multimodality and connections for passengers

Operational Efficiency

Our Products

CAD/AVL system, Operation Control

Improving bus, light rail, and train operations with cost-saving solutions and improved customer communications resulting in streamlined daily operations.

Depot Management

Tracking all vehicles within the garage. This supports maintenance staff and operators in locating their vehicles.

Traffic Signal Priority

With our interface to traffic signal management systems, NAVINEO helps improve running times for vehicles (buses, BRTs, trams).

Automatic Passenger Counting

Providing accurate and real-time ridership data to plan and adapt public transit agencies’ everyday operations. In addition, real-time occupancy status is made available to passengers on their mobile app.

Passenger Satisfaction

Our Products

Real-time Passenger Information System

Providing a customer webpage that integrates directly into the agency’s website. The webpage is continuously updated to ensure all maps and traffic information is current and provides riders with 24/7/365 access to transit information and map-based predictions for the user. The full set of real-time data is also available through GTFS-RT.

Automatic Voice Announcement

The Automatic Voice Announcement (AVA) module is fully integrated within the CAD/AVL system and manages  next stop voice announcements, inside and outside the vehicles. It meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for a comprehensive and accessible passenger information system.


The system displays real-time arrival prediction for upcoming stops, connections, service alerts and detours, local news, public service messages, and geo-based advertising. The system allows the agency administration to edit and customize their content.


Our Products

Voice Communication

Voice communication provides a comprehensive and reliable voice communication system for operators and dispatch. It includes key functions of a two-way mobile radio by leveraging VoIP technology and the cellular connection on the vehicles.

Incident Management

A comprehensive web-based incident management feature  is an integrated component of the CAD/AVL. The Incident Management module tracks  accidents and complaints associated with drivers, vehicles, or customers, and to easily enter, edit, and delete general information, customer involvement, and notes about the incident.

Pre-trip Inspection

The Pre-trip Inspection feature is available on the NAVINEO mobile data terminal. This eliminates manual processing of paper-based inspection and is fully customizable by agency and regulatory requirements.

Optimize Your Public Transport Offer

Our Products

Operation data analysis

Data analytics tools provide the visibility needed to make the changes that improve efficiency and optimize operations. Providing historical and daily operations reports. View actual vehicle speeds, run times, dwell times and more.

Business Intelligence

NAVINEO provides a visually comprehensive and accurate web data analysis platform for the operational management of public transit networks. (schedule adherence, map-based analysis, passenger load rate…).

Asset Management Platform

NAMP is a SaaS solution primarily designed for operators and maintenance centers. It tracks the status and location of computers within a fleet.