CAD/AVL & Intelligent transportation systems
We enable transit agencies to:
- Efficiently track their vehicles
- Monitor their fleet
- Support and communicate with operators
Passengers receive reliable and real-time information regarding their trip, whether they be onboard the vehicles, at stops, on their smartphones or other mobile devices.
Delivering consistent, seamless, on-time service
Equans implements proven CAD/AVL technologies and expert tools to offer real-time detour management, eliminate ghost buses, optimize vehicle frequency, and ensure schedule adherence.
- Give your public transit agency the means to meet the scheduled offer and manage with unforseen events.
- Provide reliable passenger information
- Improve passenger experience
- Better manage operators and vehicle.
- Keep operators informed of service change.
- Ensure multimodality and connections for passengers
Operational Efficiency
Our Products

Passenger Satisfaction
Our Products

Our Products

Optimize Your Public Transport Offer
Our Products

Long-term support services and maintenance
We designed our Hardware and Software to ensure availability and a high level of durability. NAVINEO continues to improve the reliability of its products from the design stage onwards and mobilizes our customer service team. We provide:
- Unlimited customer support
- Software Warranty
- Hardware Warranty and Repair
- Asset Management Platform
- 24/7 On-call service
- E-learning solutions
Project management
The NAVINEO CAD/AVL system by Equans supports the expansion of your fleet and improvement of your quality of service. Upgrade plans and operational maintenance extend the life of your installations and safeguard your investments.